2011年3月25日 星期五

令人著迷的 White by Vera Wang

由於我租the one 既Run For the Dream  有得代購新出平民價(所謂既平民價其實不平民....只係比主line 平好多....一萬元HK $ 就有) 既副line White by vera wang!!!

對一直夢寐以求vera wang 為 the one 既我梗直係一個大沖擊!!!

亦由於一直好懷疑自己之前決定既The one - Swan Lake 因心口太瘦會著得唔好睇!   加上一直認為「著起vera wang 結婚係每個女仔夢寐以求的事....真真正正既dream the one 」....亦是第一件能夠令我有一種「夢想自己穿上婚紗」感覺....係從睇到<Bride Wars 新娘愛鬥大>那件Vera Wang Ball gown 開始!!! 大家可以喺我開blog 第一篇My dream The One 睇到我有既愛件 dream the one !!!!!

以下呢件Ball Gown with Asymmetrically Draped Bodice Style US$1000

當然還未包稅、運費同改衣費等等....有諗過resell 返出去分分鐘錢仲少過我租那件ML swank lake!!!!!  但質料、有冇「叮」一聲既感覺就好成問題!!!! 因為我只睇圖片未能見實物同試!!!! 仲有仲有....我hon hon 已經唔俾我再用錢花喺 The One 身上!!!


另外其他款都好好好靚呀!!!! 但因為我心願係著ball gown ....所以唔會考慮其他!!!

12 則留言:

  1. 小姐, 麻煩唔好post埋呢d野黎引我好喎!!!
    [版主回覆03/26/2011 00:18:00]hahahaa....我都係想有個途徑舒發下...我自己都日日被D 圖片引死咗!!!

  2. 冷靜冷靜冷靜 三思三思三思 唔該哂唔該哂唔該哂
    [版主回覆03/26/2011 00:20:00]我好冷靜呀!!!!!!!!! 我本來想將篇blog 名叫「一刻的衝動white by vera wang 」!!! hahahaha

  3. Lovely Cinnamoroll 小白2011年3月25日 上午10:35

    我買左呢件啦! 呢件個裙身好靚呢!!! 哈哈!!! BTW 我已經ADD左你, 大家交流下心得! 不過呢件body個位就唔係太靚, 你可以去睇睇圖.... 呢條裙我拎去改個陣時, 個阿姐見到係vera wang 都呆左一呆, 之後我講番係平價line, 佢先至話"唔怪之得手工咁樣啦" 哈哈哈哈
    [版主回覆03/27/2011 00:51:00]我睇咗你個blog 敕....真係非常多謝你形容得咁詳細!!!! 我睇到你話條裙係硬紗....我即刻有好大既卻步....因為我本身已選既swan lake 係輕紗,,,係我特登去搵輕紗架!!! 講真條white vera wang可以想像只係睇相靚....不過如果有機會我都想睇個真身....如果質料我接受到我都情願揀vera wang,,,因為始終swan lake我係租既!!!anyway,,,,thanks for ur informations!!!!!

  4. 冷靜呀~~~哈哈~ 我覺得你要將呢篇blog封鎖, 如果唔係你不停睇就會中毒太深架喇~~
    [版主回覆03/27/2011 00:52:00]中咗「結婚要著vera wang 」既咒語好深就真...hahaha....封鎖咗呢篇blog都難封鎖自己個心!!!!

  5. Um... for ball gown.... you may consider style # 1026 as well. Its bodice is made of silky material in contrast to the taffeta material in this gown. I did not have time to post the pictures of 1026 in my blog.... check email! :) Or if you do not want any further temptation, please do not open that email hahahaha...
    [版主回覆03/27/2011 00:54:00]yes,,, thanks for ur advice , i like 1026 too !!! but my dream is wearing ball gown like that style for me !!! And i can't afford more US$300,,,,hahahaa

  6. 好令呀~~~~~~ 超中意第一件
    [版主回覆03/26/2011 22:20:00]仲有其他款其他仲靚,,不過我鐘情ball gown !!!

  7. vera wang WG真係每個女仔都想要!
    [版主回覆03/28/2011 19:33:00]梗直係中毒一樣,haha

  8. hi here, i am the devil of VW ar....hehe.
    from ur post i noticed that u already have Swan Lake as the One of you, Swan Lake is such a lovely gown. If you buy another VW, will it really necessary? (suddenly i turn into an angel! my point is: if u really love Swan Lake and u look good in it, dun let a second dress steal its charm!)
    [版主回覆03/29/2011 14:27:00]hi angel !!! thank you for ur advice !!! I love swan lake more finally ,,,even i love "vera wang '' very much !!!

  9. 真係睇到我眼甘甘.....好靚好GRAND好夢幻呀.............VERA WONG既婚紗實在太靚!!!!!!!
    [版主回覆04/04/2011 22:09:00]係呀!!!但聽聞white 呢條line D 質料唔得呢!!!

  10. I've thought about getting one from white by VW too, the official pics look so good!  But heard another blogger who actually bought one and said the quality is not that good in real, but perhaps it's still not bad for photoshotting.  haha
    [版主回覆04/10/2011 14:14:00]yes,, i know and heard that from this blogger,,,that's why i haven't bought it finally

  11. hiya...i like Vera Wang very much too...just think i can't afford it... before i know the line "WHITE", i've confirmed all my gowns in Cocoon already...so pity haha...anyway congrats & be a pretty bride =)
    [版主回覆04/11/2011 22:33:00]I think wearing Vera Wang is the dream for every girls !!! add u la !!!

  12. thanks for adding Nat =)
