2010年8月1日 星期日

My Wedding Idea & DIY to-do-list


Wedding Theme, Colour matching, Logo, Invitation Card, Stickers

在此非常感謝我的好友+ my wedding art director(haha..已經俾咗個job title 妳)

一直好想寫一個wedding idea and DIY to-do-list 既blog ....依家寫住先...得閒再update 下!!!

My Wedding Logo : (暫時借住個old version先...最新version 雞仔上面有帽架!!)

My Wedding Theme :  Happy in the Garden

My Wedding Colour : Purple red  with little white , orangle

My Wedding Flowers : 蝴蝶蘭

My Wedding decoration : 蝴蝶蘭、輕紗、Candles


My DIY Items :

1.  Little Props for Pre-wedding  ( N&T and Wedding date , Save The Date, I Do) & Wedding (Just Married)

已print 但未完工!!!

2. Table Number (唔知點解出唔到張相呀,,,遲下再upload)

3. Stickers  (又係唔知點解出唔到個原稿呀,,,影住相頂住先)

4. Pom-poms : I have an idea.....keep secret now!

5. Welcome Borad : No idea yet

6. March In - flower petals :

7. Signature pen & Bottle (something like that but i use Orchid)


8.Invitation Card (something like that)


& cover

9.Save The Date Card (something like that)



2 則留言:

  1. NAT~依個有咩用呀?
    [版主回覆08/11/2010 23:54:00]要黎兄弟姊妹們match out 時攞住拋向我度架!!有如拋紙碎咁!!!

  2. 你個logo好得喎,勁~~
    [版主回覆08/20/2010 00:02:00]really ? thanks a lot !!!!
