2010年12月4日 星期六

The One

由於太忙關係.....最近想blog 都冇得blog .....今次唯有hea 過

突然好想blog 下自己條the one,一直好怕自己carry 唔到,但今日去完蔡太到,買埋個貼得好實既nurbra......唔....都總算ok !!!

為咗加強對'the one' 的信心,要喺度係咁放D 有關 "她" 既相!!!!


咩色既sash 好呢??????? Swank Lake 本身跟金色sash ,而我既theme colour 係紫紅,但我又覺紫紅色唔太襯,好似白色有返多些WG感覺! 咩色好呀??咩色好呀????

13 則留言:

  1. lovely swan lake~~ what colour will ur sash be?
    [版主回覆12/05/2010 14:44:00]i am still thinking ,,, what is ur suggestion???

  2. Haha, good pick~

    I found my photos in ur blog lei;)
    [版主回覆12/06/2010 19:57:00]which one is yours ??? u bought swank lake from oversea??

  3. Light Pink?! or 蝦肉色?!
    [版主回覆12/06/2010 19:58:00]要去到下年先試啊,,,,仲諗緊邊兩隻色好,,,唔係太想要金色!!!

  4. this is nice ! how about white or silvery?
    [版主回覆12/10/2010 23:44:00]i think white in night ,,,,silvery no la...

  5. kitten K's Floral Wedding2010年12月5日 清晨7:20

    i like pink ar 超令呀
    [版主回覆12/10/2010 23:43:00]淺色同桃紅色都好靚呀!!!!

  6. i think pink would be nice.
    [版主回覆12/10/2010 23:42:00]light pink ???? um....let me think think !!!!

  7. Yes, these photos were uploaded within my blog

    [版主回覆12/10/2010 23:45:00]cherry ,,,u bought in from oversea ??

  8. haha, 我好想知蔡太有幾掂呀???
    [版主回覆12/10/2010 23:40:00]暫時只知佢既nurbra 好掂!!!!

  9. SWAN LAKE, SWAN LAKE , 揀隻淺少少既隻會好 d
    [版主回覆12/13/2010 18:00:00]上午紫紅色,,,,夜晚白色.....你話好唔好????

  10. 用返你隻 theme color 都ok 呀…
    [版主回覆12/13/2010 17:57:00]上午紫紅色,,,,夜晚白色....唔要佢隻金色!!

  11. I also have got myself sash (actually I bought more than 1, too greeeeeedy me) to match my 'the one'.  personally, I prefer the sash of a different color to gown as it will stands out more and makes the waist look slimmer.  But depends if you like sharp color or not, recently black color is sort of the trend but traditional bride might not want black.  The original gold color looks very grand.  I would prefer a sash not too thick as thick sash looks a bit strange to me. 
    [版主回覆04/10/2011 21:58:00]i do love black color most ,,,but it must be unacceptable !!!
    i think i will not choose gold color!! probably hot pink in the afternoon and white at night!!

  12. in my opinion, WHITE must be the best choice...haha traditional me =)
    [版主回覆04/13/2011 14:28:00]ML is also a good choice !! Their material is much better then white vera wang!!

  13. i should say it more clearly ...i prefer u use the white colour of sash, but not WHITE of Vera Wang...^^ seriously i know the material of WHITE is not good...only the design worth that price...so honestly i like ur Swan Lake more!!
    [版主回覆04/14/2011 22:36:00]sorry ......misunderstand  !! maybe i always think about White by vera wang ,,,,hahahaa  i love white sash too !!!
